
Monday 6 June 2016

Arataki Trip


On Wednesday the senior school went to Arataki Visitors center to Learn about the native tree’s.

We went to see the Tea tree, Flax, Tarata, and Nikau palm. Instead of using a tea bag you can pick it from tea trees. After that we went for a bush walk and I heard a tui bird mocking other birds. Next we went to see the kauri tree. It is 700 year’s old. After that we went to the visitors center to do a crossword. When we finished we went to the frame to take a photo. After that we were going to walk back in the bush but we did not have enough time.

When we got back to school we had to put our inquiry book in our desk. When I got home I felt amazing because it was my first time at Arataki. After that we watched a movie called Waitakere ranges.

By Bianca


  1. Hey Room 9(More Specifically Bianca)
    Great recount on your trip to Arataki. I've been to Arataki before early in the morning(I forgot why?). If your class have a chance to visit another place, make a recount. Great Job!

  2. Hi room nine Glen Brae
    Great report about your guys trip to Arataki, it looks like you's had a awesome day.


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